Card Travel Notifications

Planning to Travel?

When traveling outside your local area or to other countries, we recommend you notify us before your trip. Debit and credit card activity is monitored 24 hours a day and irregular or suspicious charges outside your local area may be declined. Notifying us can prevent unnecessary blocks on your debit or credit card during your travel.

Notify Us One of Two Ways:

Online Banking Icon

Securely Online

Debit Cards
Log in to online or mobile banking and click on the “Messages” tab. Click on “New Conversation” with Member Service and provide the details of your trip in your message. This should include the dates, areas of travel, and any additional information to be noted on your account, including locations of flight layovers.

Credit Cards
Log in to your credit card account.

Telephone Icon

By Telephone

Debit Cards
Please call Spectra Card Services at (301)839-8400 ext. 8417, or (800)526-6661 ext. 8417, Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time).

Credit Cards
Please call Elan's 24-Hour Cardmember Service: (800)558-3424

Other Important Phone Numbers

24/7 Credit Card Service

(800) 558-3424

24/7 Debit Card Service

(866) 820-0996

24/7 Business Credit Card Service

(866) 552-8855

International Credit Card Customer Service

International Debit Card Customer Service

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Spectra CU is not responsible for the overall website content, security, or privacy policies on third-party sites. This is just a kind reminder to consult their policies for more information.
